Five Minute Friday: Follow

It’s Friday again!!  Have a wonderful weekend.

Linking up with Kate Motaung for Five Minute Friday.  If you would like to join in or learn more about it, click on the icon to the left.  Write for 5 minutes, here we go.




Growing up we were always told “don’t follow the crowd.”  But now with our media saturated, plugged in world, it is now a thing and our crowd is so much larger…worldwide actually.

Now we can follow people everywhere.  We follow people on Facebook, on Twitter, we follow people’s blogs (thanks for following mine 🙂 ), on Instagram, Pinterest and Google+, and that’s just a small sampling of the virtual world.  We also follow the latest trends in fashion, beauty and parenting,  we follow sports teams and the stock market.   Woman like to follow instructions and directions.  Men…well, they will only follow Siri, or Cortana, or whatever female voice they have on their GPS app and never argue with her as she keeps saying, turn right, go straight, turn left, you have arrived…oh the cruel irony.  Anniehow…We follow recipes, strict diets and strenuous exercise regimens.  It’s no wonder we are all so tired, all we do is follow.

“…The one who walks alone, is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been.”  Where one can relax, refresh and recharge.  Take some time not to follow…just be.


3 thoughts on “Five Minute Friday: Follow

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